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Navigation Isla Magdalena

Include: Navigation, ticket entrance fees for the Island and bilingual guide.(spanish and english).

Not include: Food

Schedule: Pick up from 06:15 Hrs to 12:00 Hrs approx. Others schedules, please ask to us.

Note: Navigation subject of weather condition.

We sail through the Strait of Magellan to gets Magdalena Island. This Island receives more than 120,000 penguins each year. We start with this adventure, after checking-in at our office in Punta Arenas, after that we go on a transportation until Laredo Bay to boarding in speed boats for 45 minutes to get Magdalena Island, where we landed for 1 hour on the island with our guide to know the natural habitat of the Magellanic Penguins, in one of the largest colonies in South America. Then return to the pier and to Punta Arenas.


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